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Be A Savvy Traveler

How Essential Oils Can save Your Summer Vacation

We look forward to summertime as a chance to relax and have fun.

Warm weather and extra hours of daylight give us more time to enjoy travel and outdoor activities.

But little inconveniences can put a damper on the fun.

It’s hard to enjoy grilling out or time on the patio if insects won’t leave you alone.

Also, overdoing it at the softball game or on the tennis court leaves us sore and cranky.

Plus, teens and adults alike groan at pimples that pop up from too much sun.

Happily, essential oils can save your summer vacation.

Let’s start with how you can use them to get rid of biting insects.

Essential Oils That Repel Mosquitoes and Soothe Itchy Bites

Put your diffuser on the porch and run it the next time you sit outside at dusk.

Put three drops of peppermint, two drops of lemongrass, and one drop of clove in the tank.

Now with the diffuser running, you might not be able to smell the freshly cut grass, but the essential oil aroma will keep mosquitoes away.

It also works on biting flies and wasps.

If you need repellent that travels with you, it’s easy to make your own.

View my article about the best essential oils for mosquito bites for recipes for mosquito repellent roll-on. It’s essential for those of us who play hard outdoors.

The sweat and carbon dioxide we give off acts as a beacon for bugs. If you don’t renew your protection often, you’re likely to get bit.

When the kids come in from playing covered in chigger bites, grab your favorite carrier oil or fragrance-free lotion.

In a teaspoon of carrier oil, put one drop of either tea tree or peppermint. Mix well then apply it to the itchy parts. The relief starts within a couple of minutes.

Essential Oils for Strained Muscles

We’re all guilty of it. We take advantage of the weekends, holidays, and vacation time to play hard.

Our bodies are not accustomed to the activity, so we inevitably end up with sore muscles.

Luckily, the best essential oils for muscle pain can help us get mobile.

Again, all you need is a teaspoon of carrier oil or lotion plus a few drops of essential oils. Try two drops of peppermint, two drops of lavender, and one drop of frankincense.

Take a few minutes to massage the blend where it hurts. Then relax as your muscles loosen.

If you love the cool sensation that peppermint brings on a hot summer day, skip the lavender and double the drops of peppermint.

Essential Oils That Clear up Acne

Summertime romance is exciting. But acne can feel like a real impediment.

We lose a lot of time in front of the mirror trying to solve this common problem.

Unfortunately, extra sun exposure can increase breakouts. So can extra stress and hormonal shifts.

But no worries, essential oils clear up acne.

It’s scientifically proven that tea tree, for example, destroys the bacteria that cause pimples (1).

Treating your skin with tea tree, lavender, and other antibacterial essential oils really work. Not only do they stop the problem at the source, but they also reduce inflammation and redness and treat infection.

The important thing to remember is not to use these oils undiluted on the skin. It may seem tempting to blast those visits with uncut oils, but don’t do it. They’re likely to cause more irritation if you don’t dilute them.

Blend no more than two drops of essential oil with a carrier oil that’s gentle to sensitive skin. For example, jojoba oil is ideal for treating faces. It moisturizes without clogging pores.

Other Ways Essential Oils Can Improve Your Summer

Essential oils are useful for cooling down sunburn, flavoring your ice tea, and helping you get to sleep after an exciting day.

They help heal bumps and scrapes and take the stink out of sweaty shoes.

Try making your own cleaning products and testing them this summer. You may never go back to commercial liquids and cleansers.

There’s not much you can’t do with essential oils.

They add a boost to all sorts of activities and help solve everyday problems.

Right now might be the best time to experiment and see what they can do for you.